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INI File | 2001-10-22 | 17.2 KB | 508 lines |
- ; Localization for PSPad text editor
- ; http://fiala.web.wo.cz
- ; pspad@wo.cz
- ;
- [Action List]
- aRedo_Caption=Redo
- aRedo_Hint=Redo last undo
- aOpen_Caption=Open...
- aOpen_Hint=Open selected file(s)
- aUndo_Caption=Undo
- aUndo_Hint=Undo last change
- aCut_Caption=Cu&t
- aCut_Hint=Cut selected text to clipboard
- aExit_Caption=Exit
- aExit_Hint=Exit PSPad
- aCopy_Caption=&Copy
- aCopy_Hint=Copy selected text to clipboard
- aPaste_Caption=&Paste
- aPaste_Hint=Insert clipboard text to cursor position
- aSave_Caption=Save
- aSave_Hint=Save file
- aSaveAs_Caption=Save as...
- aSaveAs_Hint=Save open file as file
- aNew_Caption=New
- aNew_Hint=Create new file
- aPrint_Caption=Print
- aPrint_Hint=Print open file
- aPrintSetup_Caption=Printer settings...
- aDelete_Caption=Delete
- aDelete_Hint=Delete selected text
- aInserFile_Caption=Insert from file...
- aInserFile_Hint=Insert from file to cursor position
- aSelectAll_Caption=Select all
- aSelectAll_Hint=Mark all text as selected
- aFind_Caption=Find...
- aFind_Hint=Text search
- aFindNext_Caption=Find next
- aFindNext_Hint=Search text for next occurence
- aReplace_Caption=Replace...
- aReplace_Hint=Replace text with other one
- aLineNum_Caption=Line number
- aLineNum_Hint=Show / hide line number
- aSyntax_Caption=Syntax
- aSyntax_Hint=Show / hide syntax
- aFont_Caption=Font...
- aFont_Hint=Font change
- aExport_Caption=Export...
- aExport_Hint=Export text as RTF or HTML format
- aExpClipRTF_Caption=Export to clipboard as RTF
- aExpClipRTF_Hint=Export all file or selected block to clipboard as RTF
- aSyntaxChange_Caption=Change syntax...
- aSyntaxChange_Hint=Change syntax highlight to selected
- aAbout_Caption=About...
- aAbout_Hint=Info about program PSPad
- aReOpen_Caption=Reopen
- aReOpen_Hint=Reopen active file
- aRegistr_Caption=Programm settings...
- aRegistr_Hint=Change program settings
- aExpClipHTML_Caption=Export to clipboard as HTML
- aExpClipHTML_Hint=Export all file or selected block to clipboard as HTML
- aWordWrap_Caption=Wrap lines
- aWordWrap_Hint=Wrap lines to show all text in program window
- aGotoLine_Caption=Goto line...
- aGotoLine_Hint=Jump to selected line
- aASCII_Caption=&ASCII table...
- aASCII_Hint=Open ASCII table
- aLowerCase_Caption=To lower case
- aLowerCase_Hint=Change char case to lower
- aUpperCase_Caption=To upper case
- aUpperCase_Hint=Change char case to upper
- aCapitalize_Caption=Capitalize
- aCapitalize_Hint=Change char case to capital
- aWWW_Caption=Program homepage
- aWWW_Hint=Connect to program homepage
- aHTMLReformat_Caption=Reformat HTML code
- aHTMLReformat_Hint=Reformat HTML code to better look and read
- aQuote_Caption=Insert text on lines begin
- aQuote_Hint=Insert input text on each line start
- aUnQuote_Caption=Remove quoting
- aUnQuote_Hint=Remove from line begin char ">" in selected block
- aHTMLCompress_Caption=Compress HTML code
- aHTMLCompress_Hint=Compress HTML code without page change
- aShellOpen_Caption=Open with
- aShellOpen_Hint=Open active file in external programm
- aPrintPrev_Caption=Print preview
- aPrintPrev_Hint=Print preview
- aAllToASCII_Caption=Remove diakritic
- aAllToASCII_Hint=Remove diakritical marks
- aClose_Caption=Close
- aClose_Hint=Close active file
- aSelectNext_Caption=Next window
- aSelectNext_Hint=Goto next file
- aSelectPrew_Caption=Previous window
- aSelectPrew_Hint=Goto previous file
- aSysEdit_Caption=System files
- aSysEdit_Hint=System file editor: Autoexec.BAT, Config.SYS, System.INI a Win.INI
- aToolBar_Caption=Toolbar
- aToolBar_Hint=Show / hide toolbar
- aIncSearch_Caption=Incremental search
- aIncSearch_Hint=Incremental search
- aGUID_Caption=Insert GUID
- aGUID_Hint=Insert GUID to cursor positon
- aDateTime_Caption=Insert date time
- aDateTime_Hint=Insert date time
- aDateTimeDialog_Caption=Date time dialog...
- aFindPrev_Caption=Find previous
- aFindPrev_Hint=Search text to find previous occurence
- aBlockToTemplate_Caption=Template from block
- aBlockToTemplate_Hint=Create template from selected text
- aSaveAll_Caption=Save all
- aSaveAll_Hint=Save changes in all open files
- aCloseAll_Caption=Close all
- aCloseAll_Hint=All open files will be closed
- aIndent_Caption=Indent block
- aIndent_Hint=Indent block
- aUnIndent_Caption=UnIndent block
- aUnIndent_Hint=UnIndent block
- aSendToDisk_Caption=Save to drive A:
- aSendToDisk_Hint=Save open file right to drive A:
- aMailContents_Caption=As e-mail contents
- aMailContents_Hint=Create new e-mail with open file as contents
- aMailFile_Caption=As e-mail attachment
- aMailFile_Hint=Create new e-mail with open file as attachment
- aLockWindows_Caption=Lock scrolling
- aLockWindows_Hint=Both windows will scroll together
- aLockLineNum_Caption=Synchronize with line number
- aRemoveBlankLines_Caption=Remove blank lines
- aTagToLowercase_Caption=Tags to lowercase
- aTagToUpperCase_Caption=Tags to uppercase
- aTagToLowercase_Hint=Change HTML tag case to lowercase
- aTagToUpperCase_Hint=Change HTML tag case to uppercase
- aRemoveTags_Caption=Remove HTML tags
- aRemovetags_Hint=Create new TXT file with text only without tags
- aColorSelect_Caption=Color dialog
- aColorSelect_Hint=Open dialog for color selection
- aSort_Caption=Sort...
- aPageSetup_Caption=Page setup...
- aShowSpecChar_Caption=Nonprinted chars
- aShowSpecChar_Hint=Show / hide chars like spaces, line ends...
- aRemoveSpaces_Caption=Remove spaces...
- aRemoveSpaces_Hint=Open dialog for remove spaces
- aSetMain_Caption=Main file
- aInsertText_Caption=Insert text to lines...
- aRollBar_Caption=Ruller
- aReadOnly_Caption=Read only
- aReadOnly_Hint=Set document as ReadOnly
- aMakroStop_Caption=Stop record
- aMakroStop_Hint=Stop macro recording
- aMakroPlay_Caption=Play macro
- aMakroPlay_Hint=Play recorded macro
- aMakroRecord_Caption=Start record
- aMakroRecord_Hint=Start macro recording
- aMakroOpen_Caption=Load macro
- aMakroSave_Caption=Save macro
- aProjNew_Caption=New project
- aProjNew_Hint=Open new project
- aProjSave_Caption=Save project
- aProjSave_Hint=Save open project
- aProjShow_Caption=Project tree
- aProjShow_Hint=Show / hide project tree
- aProjOpen_Caption=Open project
- aProjOpen_Hint=Open existing project
- aAddFolder_Caption=Add folder
- aAddFolder_Hint=Add folder
- aDelFolder_Caption=Delete folder
- aDelFolder_Hint=Delete folder
- aAddFile_Caption=Add file to project
- aAddFile_Hint=Add file to project
- aRemoveFile_Caption=Remove file from project
- aRemoveFile_Hint=Remove file from project
- aProjFolderOpen_Caption=Open folder files
- aProjFolderClose_Caption=Close folder files
- aProjMainFile_Caption=Set file as main
- aProjClose_Caption=Hide project
- aProjClose_Hint=Hide project
- aFilesSearch_Caption=Search in files
- aFilesSearch_Hint=Search and replace in files
- aHexDump_Caption=Hexdump
- aHexDump_Hint=Show hexdump of open file
- aFindWord_Caption=Find current word
- aFindWord_Hint=Find next occurence of current word
- aMarkList_Caption=Bookmark list
- aMarkList_Hint=Bookmark list
- aProjSwitch_Caption=Switch view
- aProjSwitch_Hint=Switch view to project / files
- aHLSett_Caption=Highlighter settings...
- aUserHL_Caption=User highlighter...
- aCompile_Caption=Compile
- aCompile_Hint=Runs external compilator to compile file
- aLogWindow_Caption=Show/hide LOG window
- [Main Menu]
- mFile_Caption=File
- mEdit_Caption=Edit
- mView_Caption=View
- mFormat_Caption=Format
- mTools_Caption=Tools
- mHelp_Caption=Help
- mShellOpen_Caption=Open with
- mOpenRecent_Caption=Open recent
- mInsertSpecial_Caption=Insert special
- mCharCase_Caption=Char case change
- mCPAuto_Caption=Auto detect CP
- mCP1250_Caption=Windows (CP1250)
- mCP852_Caption=Latin II (CP852)
- mCP895_Caption=Kamenickych (CP895)
- mCPISO_Caption=ISO 8859-2
- mEditTemplate_Caption=Edit template
- mQuoting_Caption=Quoting
- mHTML_Caption=HTML
- mHelpContents_Caption=Help
- mHelpFAQ_Caption=FAQ
- mHelpChanges_Caption=History
- mSend_Caption=Send
- mWindow_Caption=Window
- mUserShortCut_Caption=Template hotkeys
- mPanels_Caption=Toolbars
- mEditPanel_Caption=Edit
- mMainPanel_Caption=Main
- mViewPanel_Caption=Look
- mControlPanel_Caption=Control
- mAllPanels_Caption=Show all
- mNoPanels_Caption=Hide all
- mActLine_Caption=Active line
- mLineOperation_Caption=Lines manipulation
- mSetBookMark_Caption=Create bookmark
- mGotoBookMark_Caption=Goto bookmark
- mFind_Caption=Search
- mBlockKind_Caption=Selection type
- mBlockCol_Caption=Column selection
- mBlockNormal_Caption=Normal selection
- mBlockLine_Caption=Line selection
- mProject_Caption=Projects
- mMacro_Caption=Macro
- mFileFormat_Caption=File format
- mFilesAll_Caption=All files
- mFilesKnown_Caption=Known files
- [General Strings]
- rs_AllFiles=All files
- rs_Syntax=Syntax:
- rs_SaveFileChangesQuestion=Save changes made in file ?
- rs_ReplaceStringQuestion=Replace this occurence ?
- rs_CannotOpenFile=Cannot open file
- rs_FileWasChangedQuestion=File contents was changed. Reload ?
- rs_LastOpenFileNotFound=Can't locate files, open last time program run:
- rs_FillTemplateName=Please, fill template name
- rs_FillTemplateHint=Please, fill template description
- rs_FillTemplateContents=Template contents cann't be empty
- rs_Error=Error
- rs_Question=Question
- rs_Warning=Warning
- rs_Exclamation=Exclamation
- rs_NewFile=New file.TXT
- rs_Changed=Modified
- rs_OverWrite=Overwrite
- rs_Insert=Insert
- rs_ExportAs=Export as
- rs_FileWillBeExportAs=Export file %s as %s
- rs_CodePage=Code page:
- rs_WinExec_NoResources=The system is out of memory or resources
- rs_WinExec_BadFormat=The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image)
- rs_WinExec_FileNotFound=The specified file was not found
- rs_WinExec_PathNotFound=The specified path was not found
- rs_WinExec_ExecError=Error executing external application
- rs_WinExec_BadCommandFormat=Bad command line format for external application
- rs_SystemFolders=Cann't locate system directories
- rs_Programs=Applications
- rs_Page=Page:
- rs_Char=Char
- rs_ASCIITable=ASCII table
- rs_ASCIITitleLine=ASCII table code page Windows 1250 printed by PSPad editor
- rs_Replace=Replace
- rs_Find=Find
- rs_All=&All
- rs_OK=&OK
- rs_Cancel=&Cancel
- rs_Options=Options
- rs_Direction=Direction
- rs_Scope=Scope
- rs_Apply=Apply
- rs_LineNumber=LineNumber
- rs_RowNumber=RowNumber
- rs_DiskNotReady=Disk drive not ready
- rs_MailNotSend=E-mail was not send
- rs_FileHint1=With left button you choose file
- rs_FileHint2=Right button show/hide second file
- rs_FileHint3=With draging you can simply change file order
- rs_Bookmark=Bookmark
- rs_Default=Default
- rs_Project=New project
- rs_Folder=Folder
- rs_FolderExists=Folder "%s" already exists. Enter new name.
- rs_ProjNotSaved=Project "%s" was changed. Save project ?
- rs_CloseAllFiles=Close all open files ?
- rs_ReplFilesQuestion=Really replace all occurences of "%s" with "%s" ?
- [Find Replace]
- rForward_Caption=&Forward
- rBackward_Caption=&Backward
- rAllText_Caption=&Global
- rSelectedText_Caption=&Selected text
- cCaseSensitive_Caption=Case sensitive
- cWholeWord_Caption=Whole words only
- cAskReplace_Caption=Prompt on replace
- rEntireScope_Caption=Entire scope
- [About dialog]
- FormCaption=About PSPad editor
- lInfosDescr_Caption=- IS for drink producers && distributors
- lPSPadVer_Caption=Programm version:
- lAuthor_Caption=Author:
- lAdress_Caption=Address:
- lEmail_Hint=You can send me e-mail with doubleclick
- lWWW_Hint=You can visit program homepage with doubleclick
- [Print Preview]
- FirstCmd_Hint=First page
- PrevCmd_Hint=Previous page
- NextCmd_Hint=Next page
- LastCmd_Hint=Last page
- ZoomCmd_Hint=Zoom
- aColorPrint_Hint=Color print
- Fitto_Caption=Fit to page
- PageWidth_Caption=Page width
- OriginalSize_Caption=100%
- bExit_Hint=Exit preview
- [Template]
- FormCaption=New template
- lTemplateName_Caption=Template name
- lTemplateDescr_Caption=Template description
- lTemplateContents_Caption=Template contents
- lHotKey_Caption=Short cut
- [Settings]
- TabGeneral_Caption=&General
- gbAssociate_Caption=System integration
- cTXTFile_Hint=Replace TXT association from Notepad to PSPad
- cTXTFile_Caption=Open &TXT files
- cOperaBrowser_Hint=Set as viewer for HTML source in OPERA browser
- cOperaBrowser_Caption=HTML viewer in OPERA
- cWinCommander_Hint=Set as default editor for Wincommander
- cWinCommander_Caption=Win Commander editor
- cAllFile_Hint=Open any file with PSPad with right mouse button
- cAllFile_Caption=Integrate with right mouse
- cIEBrowser_Hint=Set as viewer for HTML source in IE
- cIEBrowser_Caption=HTML viewer in IE 5+
- cIEEditor_Hint=Set as HTML editor in Internet Explorer
- cIEEditor_Caption=HTML editor for IE
- gbColor_Caption=General color
- lForeColor_Caption=Font color
- lBackColor_Caption=Background
- cbMainForeColor_Hint=General font color
- cbMainBackColor_Hint=General background color
- gbMisc_Caption=Miscelaneous
- lLanguage_Caption=Language:
- cColorPrint_Hint=Print syntax in color
- cColorPrint_Caption=Color syntax print
- cMultiFile_Hint=Open several files in one PSPad instance
- cMultiFile_Caption=Multifile editor
- cSaveWork_Hint=Remember open files and open it in next PSPad run
- cSaveWork_Caption=Save work
- cScrollPastEOL_Hint=Scroll past end of line
- cScrollPastEOL_Caption=Scroll pas EOL
- gbRightEdge_Caption=Right edge
- lEdgePos_Caption=Position
- eRightBorder_Hint=Right edge line position
- lEdgeColor_Caption=Color
- cbRightEdgeColor_Hint=Right edge line color
- TabSyntax_Caption=&Syntax colors
- lAttrFontColor_Caption=Font color
- lAttrBackColor_Caption=Background
- cBold_Caption=&Bold
- cItalic_Caption=&Italic
- cUnderLine_Caption=&Underline
- TabExternal_Caption=Programs and masks
- lFileExt_Caption=File masks, delimited by "," (example: *.PAS,*.DFM,*.DPR)
- lExtCommand1_Caption=External application command lines
- lExtCommand2_Caption=Every application on separate line. %s instead file name. Command line format:
- lExtCommand3_Caption=Menu_name,"application_name" params "%s"
- lExtCommand4_Caption=Example: Opera,"C:\Program Files\Opera\Opera.exe" "%s"
- bAddProgram_Hint=Open dialog for choose application and put selected aplication into list
- bAddProgram_Caption=&Add application
- lCurLine_Caption=Current line
- cRecentFiles_Caption=Save recent
- cRecentFiles_Hint=Save history of open files
- lTabWidth_Caption=Tab width
- cRealTabs_Caption=Real tabs
- cRealTabs_Hint=Into text will be put real TAB char
- cSmartTabs_Caption=Smart tabs
- cSmartTabs_Hint=Tab width depend on previous line
- cAutoIndent_Caption=Auto indent
- cAutoIndent_Hint=After ENTER text will be indent as previous line
- cSplitHorizont_Caption=Split windows horizontal
- cSplitHorizont_Hint=Default windows split
- gbLanguage_Caption=Language
- TabAsoc_Caption=System
- cFileBar_Caption=Hide file panel
- cFileBar_Hint=File panel will be hided with only one file open
- TabColor_Caption=Colors
- gbEditor_Caption=Editor settings
- cALTColumn_Caption=ALT sets column mode
- cBackUp_Caption=BackUp copy of files
- cProjHints_Caption=Whole project filename
- cResetCP_Caption=All open in CP 1250
- cALTColumn_Hint=Mouse with ALT key sets column mode
- cBackUp_Hint=Create backup copy of changed files
- cProjHints_Hint=Shiw whole filename in poject in hints
- cResetCP_Hint=All files open in CP 1250
- [HTML color dialog]
- rSafeColor_Caption=Safe colors
- r16Color_Caption=16 colors
- rGrayColor_Caption=Gray scale
- [Sort dialog]
- rAscending_Caption=Ascending
- rDescending_Caption=Descending
- cCharCaseDiff_Caption=Case sensitive
- cColumn_Caption=Specify column
- gbDirection_Caption=Direction
- gbAdvanced_Caption=Advanced
- lColBegin_Caption=Column begin
- lColEnd_Caption=Column end
- [Page setup dialog]
- cMirrorMargin_Caption=Mirror margins
- cHeaderShadow_Caption=Header shadow
- [Remove Spaces dialog]
- cBegin_Caption=From lines begin
- cEnd_Caption=From lines end
- cInside_Caption=Inside text
- [DateTime dialog]
- lDate_Caption=Date:
- lTime_Caption=Time:
- bAdd_Caption=&Add
- bDelete_Caption=&Delete
- bReplace_Caption=&Replace
- [Find in files]
- tabFind_Caption=Settings
- tabResult_Caption=Results
- gbFindScope_Caption=Search scope
- rProjectFiles_Caption=projet files
- rOpenFiles_Caption=open files
- rDirectoryFiles_Caption=selected directory
- cSubdirectories_Caption=include subdirectories
- cReplaceText_Caption=replace with text:
- cCaseSensitive_Caption=case sensitive
- lSearchMasks_Caption=File masks:
- lSearchText_Caption=Text to find:
- aOpenDirectory_Caption=Select directory
- aOpenDirectory_Hint=Select directory
- aTreeExpand_Caption=Expand all
- aTreeExpand_Hint=Expand all
- aTreeCollapse_Caption=Collapse all
- aTreeCollapse_Hint=Collapse all
- cWholeWord_Caption=whole words only
- [User Highlighter]
- FormCaption=User highlighter definition
- bLoad_Caption=&Load
- bSave_Caption=&Save
- lKeyWords_Caption=Key words
- lResWords_Caption=Reserved words
- lGeneralName_Caption=Name
- lMasks_Caption=File types, comma delimited
- gbComment_Caption=Comment style
- gbStrings_Caption=Strings
- rSingleQuote_Caption=Single quote
- rDoubleQuote_Caption=Double quote
- cPreprocessors_Caption=Preprocessors
- [Highlighters settings]
- FormCaption=Highlighters settings
- TabColor_Caption=&Colors
- lAttrFontColor_Caption=Font color
- lAttrBackColor_Caption=Background
- cBold_Caption=&Bold
- cItalic_Caption=&Italic
- cUnderLine_Caption=&Underline
- TabExtension_Caption=&Filters
- TabExtProgs_Caption=&External applications
- TabCompil_Caption=C&ompilator
- lLangName_Caption=Filter name:
- lExtension_Caption=File masks:
- lUserHL_Caption=User highlighters:
- lProgName_Caption=Name:
- lProgFile_Caption=Application:
- lProgParam_Caption=Parameters:
- lProgList_Caption=Application list:
- bAdd_Caption=&Add
- bDel_Caption=&Delete
- bEdit_Caption=&Edit
- lCompFile_Caption=Compilator:
- lCompParam_Caption=Parameters:
- lCompLog_Caption=LOG file:
- lCompRun_Caption=Run after compilation:
- lHelp1_Caption=%File% - full file name with directory
- lHelp2_Caption=%Dir% - directory part
- lHelp3_Caption=%Name% - name part
- lHelp4_Caption=%Ext% - extension part